GSA Contract Management

The team at GSA Contract Services understands the critical importance of keeping your contract current. Our annual GSA Contract Management includes all of the support necessary to ensure that your contract is consistently up-to-date, compliant, and optimized for the best results.

Through your annual service agreement, GSA Contract Services provides your company or organization with a dedicated team of GSA Contract experts with decades of experience working with government contracts. We understand government contracting, but we also understand that there is more to a company or supplier than just numbers on a spreadsheet. Your Project Manager will continually grow the Project-Team Dynamic, ensuring that your questions, tasks, and contract initiatives are addressed correctly and promptly. Our long-standing, established relationships with GSA Contracting Officers facilitate communication and the approval of time-sensitive modifications.

Our annual GSA Contract Management Services include:

  • Initial GSA Schedule Contract Acquisition through developing a complete understanding of your organization’s products, procedures, and experience
  • Preparation and submission of negotiated contract modifications to keep your contract up-to-date to maintain profit margins and minimize liabilities through continued compliance
  • Communication with your GSA Contracting Officer, enabling your employees to stick to their own tasks
  • Change Submissions including product price changes, additional SIN’s, and adding new suppliers
  • Preparing competitive price reports and select market research as needed to improve contracting results
  • Preparing and managing contract renewal options when required
  • MAS Contract Consolidation
  • Preparing and managing GSA Contract End-of-Life terms to streamline contract renewals
  • Assisting and negotiating GSA Audits
  • Unlimited GSA and FedMall catalog uploads
  • Full GSA Schedule Contract Advisory Services through the life of your agreement

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